Richard Millman grew up with a passion for reading as well as a for Hollywood films based on the classic literary works. As his appreciation for both media evolved, he considered how valuable it could be as an educational tool in integrating critical thinking skills in school-aged children. This, combined with a day at the theatre, has served as the basis for this innovative reading program.
As a film exhibitor owning and operating a 900-seat repertory theatre in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Millman created the CLASSICS FOR KIDS series co-sponsored by that city’s library, its PTA and the daily newspaper.
The program was a huge success as families came to view the works of Steinbeck, Hemingway, Dickens, Kipling, Austen, Twain and many others on the silver screen as many of Hollywood’s greatest actors gave words and new life to their time-honored tales.
The program eventually was brought to schools around the country by THE KELLOGGS COMPANY of Battle Creek, Michigan. The company sent CLASSICS FOR KIDS to many of the biggest cities offering a program that provided a book for each child, lesson plans for each teacher (comparing the film with the story) and a class trip to a historically-renovated landmark theatre.
Thousands of inner-city children from grades 2-12 developed critical thinking skills and became inspired by works seldom seen or understood from standard curricula. The program gained praise from educators, parents and, most of all, the children themselves and became a basis for addressing crucial literacy issues among an often neglected group of young minds.
With its use of multi-media to achieve an educational objective in an original way, CLASSICS FOR KIDS made a significant contribution to the level of literacy in schools around the country.